I know what you're thinking at this very moment: "Oh, God, now he wants to trot out family photos!" Believe me, I sympathize. Nothing increases the amount of boredom in the universe more rapidly, more exponentially, than when someone you barely know breaks out the scrapbooks and proceeds to dun you with hundreds of pictures of family members you neither know nor care about.
However, when such photos are taken by a professional press photographer during the 1950s, using a Graflex Speed Graphic camera with 4x5 slides to produce black-and-white images on 8x10 glossy-finished paper, well...that could be reason enough to take exception!
Indeed, the intrinsic qualities of the photo constituted a major criterion when selecting the photos presented in this section. Every photograph you see here was selected because (1) it intro- duces, or otherwise portrays, a key family member without too much redundancy; (2) it may have been considered for publication in one of the L.A. newspapers, chiefly the Mirror or the Herald-Express; (3) it's an interesting and well-crafted piece even when considered outside the context of a family album; it has good composition, balance, lighting, and so on. For every photo presented here, there are at least five or six others in my
possession that didn't make the cut because they aren't sufficiently interesting, or they're too intimate and embarrassing—or they're simply lousy photographs. (Photographers are fallible just like everyone else, and my father produced his share of clunkers.)
The photos are arranged roughly in chronological order, but occasionally that order has been subverted along thematic lines; that is, photos that depict holidays, birthdays, etc., are often strung together. Among the photos in this set, you'll see quite a number in which my mother poses, sometimes alluringly, for George's "camera eye." In others, you'll get a glimpse of the little house in North Hollywood in which my siblings and I spent our early childhood years. It was a lively, characterful house, filled with books and ideas, records and music, artwork, Chinese curios and furnishings, and plenty of cool gadgetry floating about: high-tech cameras, hi-fi equipment, and the like. It was a thinking man's house, from top to bottom.
Here's hoping that you find this set more interesting than the ordinary, run-of-the-mill family album.
The youthful Helen Martin (circa 1922-1935)
Blossom poses with stepdaughter Geraldine Lacks ~ No. 1 (spring 1945)
Blossom poses with stepdaughter Geraldine Lacks ~ No. 2 (spring 1945)
Geraldine Lacks at age eleven (spring 1945)
Blossom Claudia Santos and brother Daniel Nuñez Martin (circa 1945)
Blossom and half-sister Lila Lou Martin pose with infant Gordon (probably fall 1950)
Lila Lou ("Auntie Dolly") feeds Gordon (probably fall 1950)
Gordon and maternal grandfather Daniel Nuñez Santos (probably 1951)
Blossom and Daniel Santos ("Grandpa Danny") pose with Gordon (probably 1951)
A visit with Uncle Kostya and Aunt Eva ~ No. 1 (circa 1951)
A visit with Uncle Kostya and Aunt Eva ~ No. 2 (circa 1951)
A later visit with Uncle Kostya and Aunt Eva (circa Easter 1958)
Gordon does hard time ~ No. 1 (circa 1952)
Gordon does hard time ~ No. 2 (circa 1952)
Uncle Nick, newborn Geoffrey, Gordon, Aunt Fay (August 10, 1952)
Uncle Nick poses with Geoffrey (August 10, 1952)
Gordon, Geoffrey, and newborn Suzy (probably January or February 1954)
Maternal grandmother Helen Martin ("Baba") poses with Suzy (September 6, 1954)
Thanksgiving with the Lacks family ~ No. 1 (probably November 1954)
Thanksgiving with the Lacks family ~ No. 2 (probably November 1954)
The unlikely biker (December 14, 1955)
Blossom and Suzy pose for pre-Christmas publicity shot (December 19, 1955)
Summer idyll with Baba and Uncle Nick (probably summer 1956)
The Lacks family atop the brick retaining wall in front yard (circa 1956)
Geraldine and Suzy atop the brick retaining wall in front yard (circa 1956)
Blossom strikes a pose on the front lawn ~ No. 1 (circa 1956)
Blossom strikes a pose on the front lawn ~ No. 2 (circa 1956)
Blossom in frilly white blouse ~ No. 1 (circa 1955)
Blossom in frilly white blouse ~ No. 2 (circa 1955)
Blossom's most alluring photo shoot ~ No. 1 (circa 1958)
Blossom's most alluring photo shoot ~ No. 2 (circa 1958)
Blossom's most alluring photo shoot ~ No. 3 (circa 1958)
Blossom's most alluring photo shoot ~ No. 4 (circa 1958)
Blossom's most alluring photo shoot ~ No. 5 (circa 1958)
Blossom's most alluring photo shoot ~ No. 6 (circa 1958)
Pre-Hallowe'en festival on the grounds of Oxnard Ave. Elementary School ~ No. 1 (probably October 1957)
Pre-Hallowe'en festival on the grounds of Oxnard Ave. Elementary School ~ No. 2 (probably October 1957)
Suzy's and Zorro's Friday the 13th shoot ~ No. 1 (early December 1957)
Suzy's and Zorro's Friday the 13th shoot ~ No. 2 (early December 1957)
Suzy poses with family friend Benjamin Simon ("Uncle" Ben) (December 1957)
Marie Simon ("Aunt" Marie) poses with the Lacks kids (December 1957)
Easter (probably 1956)
Easter (probably 1957)
Easter 1957 detail: George's record collection
Easter in San Francisco (1958)
Auntie Dolly hams it up on Easter (1958)
Gordon's fourth birthday (July 17, 1954)
Gordon's fifth birthday (July 24, 1955)
The likely biker (July 14 or 15, 1956)
Budding audiophile Geoffrey poses with his fifth-birthday present (circa June 4, 1957)
"I am what I am, and that's all that I am..." (probably October 1957)
Suzy's fourth birthday (circa December 13, 1957)
A dual birthday celebration (probably June 1958)
Suzy poses with sexy woman at the beach ~ No. 1 (probably spring or summer 1958)
Suzy poses with sexy woman at the beach ~ No. 2 (probably spring or summer 1958)
Coolest living room in the world (circa 1959)
Bobbing for apples (probably October 1959)
The sewing lesson ~ No. 1 (circa 1959-60)
The sewing lesson ~ No. 2 (circa 1959-60)